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The desert

The desert

Embark on the Desert Quiz, a captivating journey through an imaginary desert that offers profound insights into your values and priorities. As you navigate this hypothetical scenario with a group of animals, each decision you make reveals deeper aspects of your personality. This quiz is designed to provide a unique perspective on how you prioritize different aspects of your life, reflecting on what you hold most dear when faced with challenging choices.

For days, you've journeyed across the vast, sun-scorched desert, each grain of sand a testament to your growing exhaustion. The relentless sun beats down from above, sapping your strength, as your once abundant water supply dwindles to a critical low. In this arduous trek, you are not alone. You have with you the following five animals:

A cow

A lion

A monkey

A horse

A goat

You only have a limited amount of water left - not enough for you and all your animals to escape. If you run out of water all of you will die in the desert.

You realize that if you are to make it out of the desert at all, you are going to have to make a tough decision. You are going to have to leave one of the animals behind so that the rest of you may live.

Which animal do you leave behind?

You have four animals left. The desert is burning up! It goes on for miles. Your water supply is running even lower than you first thought. You realize that to get out, you are going to have leave another animal behind.

Which animal do you leave behind?

You have three animals left. You reach the oasis but it has dried up! You have no choice but to leave another animal behind.

Which animal do you leave behind?

You only have two animals left. It's a long hot walk. You can see the edge of the desert on the horizon. Unfortunately, you do not have enough water left for three. You can only leave the desert with one animal.

Which animal do you leave behind?

Congratulations! The two of you made it out of the desert!


Each of the animals represent the following aspects of your life.

  • The cow represents your desire to help and care for others.
  • The lion represents pride and courage.
  • The monkey represents your desire to create harmony in a group.
  • The horse represents something that you are very passionate about.
  • The goat represents wealth and abundance.

The order in which you sacrifice the animals might be said to represent the importance of these things to you. The one that you sacrificed first is the least important. The one that you kept is the most important and represents what you would hold on to at the expense of everything else.

Response evalutation

The horse, symbolizing freedom and passion, emerges as the top choice for 35% of participants, reflecting a prevalent societal emphasis on personal ambitions and dreams. Following closely, the lion, associated with pride and courage, is favored by 25% of participants, highlighting the value placed on leadership and strength in modern culture. The cow, representing nurturing and care, garners 20% of preferences, indicating a significant, though not predominant, focus on altruism and caregiving within the community. Interestingly, the monkey, a symbol of group harmony, is chosen by 10%, suggesting a moderate but noteworthy appreciation for social cohesion and cooperation. The goat, embodying wealth and abundance, also captures 10% of the top choices, pointing to a pragmatic yet less prioritized approach towards material wealth and prosperity.

Most popular sequence: Horse, lion, monkey, cow, goat. (5% of participants)

Reflections and Insights:

In the quiet aftermath of the Desert Quiz, we find a deeper understanding of ourselves. This arduous virtual journey, through an unforgiving landscape, was a subtle exploration of our inner values. Each choice reflected our priorities - passion, courage, harmony, nurture, wealth - painting a unique psychological portrait. This exercise wasn't just about survival; it was about introspection and the nuanced interplay of our values, offering insights to guide us in life's myriad landscapes.

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Comments (17)


I found this analysis lacking. There are many reasons why a person might leave various animals behind and the results won't match up to the human reasoning. For example, you have a horse and miles to go...right? My mind says ride the horse and have the monkey ride with you. A horse can cover those miles and you would reserve water usage by riding. So much for the tested theories. A lion could go quite a distance with its strength and stamina, I would not worry so much about it. The goat would have enough water to make it by the amount of water spared by the monkey not needing as much because it too is riding on the horse.

Sorry, I just think this test lacks the ability to really classify human reasoning into some fixed equation.


I'd leave them behind in this order:

1st: Lion (Pride and Courage)

2nd: Cow (Desire to Help and Care for Others)

3rd: Goat (Wealth and Abundance)

4th: Monkey (Desire to create Harmony in a Group)

5th: Horse (Something I'm very passionate about)

I left the lion because I figured that if it was thirsty and scared it might get aggressive. I next left the cow, because it's the biggest animal, so if it got weak from dehydration I couldn't attempt to carry it to water; and the water this one animal would use could be split up between everyone else. I left the goat next simply because it is mostly an instinctual animal and less conscious than a monkey or horse. I left the monkey next because it can't reciprocate the help I give it by helping me in return. I kept the horse because it's an intelligent creature that I can trust, love, and help, and it can help me by allowing me to ride it.

ana irissays...

it said that would leave my children, passion, basic needs, and friendship, and take my pride, im a proud person but no to the point of doing that!, i liked this quiz but not the results.


I left friendship, my children, pride and basic needs behind. Just because I thought that I could ride the horse :\

What I do treasure the most is passion and what I treasure least is friendship.

This one's quite accurate


ug this thing is all wrong!!! it's nothing like me at all! i value passion and friendship more than i do pride! i just hate horses!

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