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Exploring Star Signs

zodiac quiz

Step into the captivating realm of astrology and the zodiac, where each sign bears its own distinct characteristics and behaviors. Whether you're a steadfast believer or a curious skeptic, exploring the zodiac opens the door to a rich tapestry of human personalities and inclinations. The zodiac provides valuable insights into what drives people, their unique motivations, and how they engage with the world around them. It's a cosmic journey that unveils the secrets and stories behind each sign, offering a fresh perspective on the fascinating mysteries of the zodiac.

Find out what the stars say about you and your friends.



A warrior at heart, you thrive on challenges and fights. If there isn't any strife and drama, you are tempted to stir things up, just to keep yourself happy. You are also rather intolerant of mistakes and don't have patience for weakness or failings in others. And sometimes, you can be quite a snob as well - you like to be seen at the right places or wear the right clothes. And you're also prone to bossiness. Your restless nature may make you quit a project suddenly if you can't sustain the interest.

Advice: Get off your high horse and pay your dues before people will accept you. Learn to be more tolerant of others and try to see the other side of the story. If you believe in what you do, you can move mountains.


You are stubborn and like to hold on to things, not wanting to let go of anything or anyone. You are slow to anger, but when you do get worked up to a rage - everyone step aside! You also have a selfish streak and can be quite sneaky as well. People often see you as helpful and agreeable. You also tend to be suspicious of others and question their motives.

Advice: Learn to forgive and let go of your past disappointments. Learn from your mistakes and have faith in yourself and others as well.


You tend to live on the edge sometimes. Many of you believe that you don't deserve success, somehow feeling guilty for it. You may give others too much of yourself sometimes that you lose yourself. You may be prone to suppressing emotions as well. And at times that makes it difficult for you to accept affection and love.

Advice: Try doing something for yourself once in a while, in between, doing favors for others.


You can get carried away with emotions - your anger is overwhelming and your sadness can depress all those around you. You're also very sensitive to other people's emotions and are easily affected by them. You tend to act before you think and then worry about what you may have done or said wrong. Feelings of insecurity creep in now and then.

Advice: Accept that you are sensitive and try to manage your emotions more effectively.


Your lose your temper very rarely but when you do everybody keeps out of your way. You like having an audience, to help boost your confidence and ego. You also tend to be proud and aggressive, cloaking these with your charm. When things don't go your way, you get impatient.

Advice: Learn to spend some time alone with yourself and get to know yourself better. Learn to experience your emotions.


You feel that you were put on this earth to do good work and not receive any credit for it. You tend to be critical of yourself and others and you also worry about things that are beyond your control. A little pessimistic sometimes, you tend to be an intellectual snob. You bottle up all your insecurities and fears, and hesitate to reach out for help. And once in a while, you become a busybody - that's when you also feel responsible for other people's problems.

Advice: Modesty has its own limits - take credit for your efforts. Give yourself a break and know that you do not have to be successful in everything you do. Keep focused and don't get tangled in other people's affairs too often.


You have difficulty making decisions when it comes to personal matters. You like to weigh all the alternatives and hear every side of an argument - but this may take time and opportunities may pass you by because of it. You also like to expend energy on people who may not deserve it - You want to help the underdog. You are also sensitive to criticism and may take mild statements of fact very personally.

Advice: Follow your instincts and act on them. Don't blindly trust people, learn to be a little more discriminating in your offers of help. Learn to think for yourself and don't be swayed by persuasive tongues.


You have a revengeful streak and a long memory for past injustices. Sometimes, you may even use deception to get what you want and to influence others to stay out of your way.

Advice: Learn to conquer any tendency towards revenge and things will fall into place for you.


You also seem to enjoy verbal duels with others whenever you can. And you sure can make sore losers, even suspecting foul play if things don't go your way. You have a knack for confrontation and you can't resist being sarcastic. You also don't think too much of many people, because you have a mild superiority complex. Vanity is also a trait in many of you.

Advice: Learn with whom you can be frank otherwise keep your comments to yourself. Discretion is the better part of valor. Curb your confrontation, and you can combine it with your concern for serious issues, aiding in your search for truth.


You are rather materialistic and this is fuelled by your fears of financial disaster. This makes you complain about monetary woes, irritating many with your obnoxious attitude. You can also be a social climber, manipulating your way up the ladder. Once in a while, you'll have morbid thoughts about death - something that scares you because you have no control over it. You tend to be obsessive about your mortality sometimes.

Advice: Stop worrying about losing money, and you'd rid yourself of a lot of your anxiety. Get rid of your phobias and you'll be able to relax more and enjoy yourself.


You tend to be too idealistic and naive sometimes. Practicality gets thrown out of the window by you many times. Cool and aloof, you rarely want to deal with deep emotions. You like to give advice but don't like to receive it. And ideas and inspirations that you sometimes neglect or follow through with them are constantly bombarding you. Or else you are constantly shifting focus, giving people the idea that you are a flake with no staying power.

Advice: Take time to explore your private feelings. Not all people see things your way. And just because you come up with ideas, don't expect other people to do all the work for you. Learn to trust people and accept advice.


You are an escapist - you have this knack of avoiding issues if they seem unpleasant. You delve into past memories to escape your present woes. Sometimes you become rather unsociable and withdrawn.

Advice: Trust your instincts. Whenever the escapist tendency hits you talk with a friend to get your perspective right.

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Comments (17)

Vivian Stujenskesays...

Worry about losing WHAT MONEY? There is none!! ha!!


Aquarius is great. It is special cause it reminds me of water drops hitting a side of a mountain.


Aquarius is great. It is special cause it reminds me of water drops hitting a side of a mountain.


Aquarius!The sign of love!


yes I am very sensitive to criticism