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The cube

The cube

Embark on a journey of self-discovery with The Cube Quiz, a unique psychological exercise set in a metaphorical desert. This quiz invites you to visualize a cube and other elements, focusing not just on their appearance but on the feelings they evoke. Each element in this scenario symbolizes different aspects of your life, from your self-perception and relationships to your challenges and family. Your descriptions and the emotions attached to them offer profound insights into your inner world. This quiz provides a creative way to understand more about your personality, relationships, and the obstacles you perceive in life. Uncover the deeper meanings behind your imaginative landscape and gain a better understanding of yourself.

In a vast, sprawling desert, the sun casts long shadows on the sand. You stand alone, feeling the gentle caress of the breeze, with the endless sky above and the earth stretching out in all directions. Amidst this serene solitude, your eyes catch a glimpse of something distinct in the landscape. There, a cube rests, its presence a quiet enigma in this expansive wilderness. Intrigued, you approach, your curiosity piqued by its sudden appearance in this tranquil world.

Try to concentrate on how you feel about what you are describing and not just on how it looks. For example, you may describe the cube a certain color because it gives you a feeling of calmness. However, another person may describe the cube a different color that also gives her a sense of calmness. Though both people picture the cube differently, the interpretations of their answers are the same - the cube represents calmness to them.

It is preferable for you to draw a picture and write your answers.

1. The cube

  1. How big is the cube?
  2. What is its color? What do you think about that color?
  3. How far away is it from you?
  4. Is it transparent? Can you see what is inside?
  5. How big is the cube compared to the desert? What is the ratio?

2. There is a ladder.

  1. Is the ladder leaning on the cube?
  2. What is the color of the ladder? What is it made of?
  3. What impression does it give you?
  4. What is the distance between the cube and the ladder?

3. There is a horse.

  1. What is the distance between the cube and the horse?
  2. What is the color of the horse?
  3. What impression does it give you?
  4. Is it tied? Is there a saddle?

4. There is a storm.

  1. What is the distance between the storm and the cube.
  2. Is it a big storm or a small storm?
  3. Is it passing by or staying?

5. There is a flower/ there are flowers.

  1. How many flowers are there?
  2. Where is/are the flower/s?
  3. What is the color of the flower/s?
  4. How do you feel about the flower/s?


Cube: The cube represents yourself. How you think about the cube reflects how you think about yourself. For example, you may think the cube is made of yellow stones. Yellow may give you a feeling of warmth and stone may give you a feeling of strength. Then, it means that you believe that you are a strong and warm person. The distance between you and the cube reflects your understanding about yourself. If the cube is far away, then it means that you do not feel close to your inner self. If the cube is transparent, that means you let people see through you. People can read your mind easily. The ratio of the cube to the desert is how you think about yourself in this world. The bigger the ratio, the bigger your ego is. A small ratio means that you recognize that you are just one part of this world and there are many other things out there beside you.

Ladder: The ladder represents your friends. If the ladder is leaning against the cube, then it means that your friends depend on you. If the ladder is supporting the cube, that means you depend on your friends. The distance between the ladder and the cube indicates if you feel close to your friends or not. Again, how you feel about the ladder reflects how you feel about your friends (e.g.. what you feel about the color of the ladder and the material it is made of).

Horse: The horse is your partner/lover/significant other. If the horse is close to the cube, you are close with each other. If the horse is tied or has a saddle, then in your relationship, you want to be the one in control. Your overall impression of the horse reflects the impression you have of your partner.

Storm: The storm is the obstacle in your life. If the storm is close to the cube/ stationary, then you are always experiencing hardship in your life. If the storm is small, then it means the obstacle in your life is quite small.

Flower(s): The flower represents your offspring/ If the flower is close to the cube, that means you are close to your children. Again, what you feel about the flower indicates the feelings you have towards your children.

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Comments (36)


Cube: As big as myself, blue (saturated but dull as well), about an average sized house away form myself, small compared to the desert that's as far as I can see.

Ladder: Leaning on the cube, purple, close, durable

Horse: Dark brown with no saddle nor rope, semi-close to the cube

Storm: As far as I can see and right above me

Flowers: 2-3 on each side of the cube, very close- their roots possibly underneath the cube, pink and yellow


OH MY GOD. this is so much deeper than I thought it would be. For the Cube it was transparent, and inside it was a sort of snow globe. (Meaning the storm is inside the cube) the ladder was leaning against the cube, both being smaller than the flowers, which were white, a color that commonly represents purity, or innocence, similar to the view we see of children. The horse was wild and beautiful, confident and was majestic in a modest way. All qualities I commonly think of my girlfriend.


Amazing! And it totally makes sense too


...because it's in the desert the same way cube was with nothing else besides it. I don't even know if it's the same desert, though seeing it, I can guess that the cube diameter was about the size of the ladder width.

Horse: It is there somewhere in the desert. It doesn't even have a color.

Storm: It's up there, where there were no sky just a moment before. It's as wide as the sky was, and doesn't move.

Flower: It's the kinda cartoony green stem, yellow center and blue petals flower, but it's kinda tattered and dying, even though it's in full fresh color. It also appears in midair like the ladder. It's miserable.


Cube: Gray, I can't gauge it's size. It's there in the desert, I can't see the end of the desert. It's a normal, bog-standard cube, "the Default", it is not transparent, nor do I feel or think anything about it. It's not in any distance from or near me, because I am not there, nor I am during this scenario at all.

Ladder: Silver, actually when imagining it it starts up upright in the air and flops down on its side, then stays like that. It's the same standard size tin-looking ladder, which is what I always think of when I think "ladder". It doesn't give me any impression, maybe that it is a bit "out-of-place" in the desert. I can't gauge the distance between it and the cube,

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