Don’t like going to the gym? It could be your personality

Helping staff development through exercise choices.

Don’t like going to the gym? It could be your personality
Gym personality

Main titles

  • Going to the gym is related to personality traits such as creativity and extraversion.

“We were keen to investigate how organisations could help their staff’s development through exercise, finding that matching an individual’s personality type to a particular type of exercise can increase both the effectiveness and the person’s enjoyment of it.” - John Hackston, Chartered Psychologist and Head of Thought Leadership at OPP.

  • More creative types prefer outdoor activities.
  • Extraverted types prefer the gym.
  • People with a preference for objective logic over feelings and values were more likely to stick with regimented exercise plans.

"There can be pressure to follow the crowd to the gym or sign up to the latest exercise fad, but it would be much more effective for them to match their personality type to an exercise plan that is more likely to last the test of time" John Hackston.

Source: British Psychological Society